Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most undervalued and efficient ways to communicate and market with your customers or prospects. Although we agree that a phone call or in-person meeting is invaluable, this is not always feasible if you have a large client base or don’t have the sales team to be able to do so. In general, email is widely accepted as a way to communicate with customers and prospects.

Email Lists

Most businesses have a customer list with names and emails. Although purchase history with a customer does qualify as permission under most email marketing platform’s “Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy,” subscribers are more likely to be engaged and active in the long run if they’ve given their express permission to receive emails from you. We recommend you include a link to your signup form on your purchase confirmations or receipts or send your customers a reconfirmation email to be sure they want to hear from you before you send new marketing content.

Email Marketing Cost

Email marketing is more affordable than you might think. Depending on your email list and the email frequency you plan to implement, you might be able to do this yourself. We highly recommend using an email marketing platform from a reputable company like ActiveCampaign.